Sunday, August 14, 2016

Fight Depression [beware: tips here are nothing new :) ]

The past few months were difficult on my part that has made writing on this blog almost impossible. But I thank God that I was still able to share some ways to fight depression. On to more suggestions...

1. Know yourself. Accept. Move on. Focus on moving forward.
A lot of those who suffer from D may have been rooted from family issues that are unsettled. While there are very few who get to settle their issues in their family in an amicable way or through the presence of trained therapists, most do not get to settle their pains and heartaches that started in their families. Unsettled issues that have not been made aware through self-reflection or talk therapies may lead to more damages such as difficulty in relating with other people, family and marriage breakup, drug addiction, and a whole lot more. Being aware is the first step. Accepting and addressing this issue is the second step. Moving on despite inability or impossibility to settle issues is another step. Is there a last step? Maybe just keeping on your focus to move forward is the last step.

2. Forgive.
Whoever may have caused your pain or trauma, forgive. Forgive him/her and forgive yourself for letting pain control your life. When pain or anger controls your life, moving forward is very difficult to do. Forgiveness is a choice done even when it is still painful to forgive. It's chosen even when it is painful. When you forgive, you are setting yourself free from the pain and anger and allowing peace and happiness to reign over your life. 

3. Find out what works for you.
Although you may find some suggestions here helpful, there are still so many hundred ways that will work for you but will not work for me. So, always, go back to knowing yourself and find out which would be the best ingredients for you to fight depression.

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