Saturday, June 29, 2019

One true thing that happened to me in 2013 - 2015 was this blog!

Just a few years ago,  I started deleting the blog entries here hoping that I would be able to delete all blog entries and pretend that Depression did not happen to me. 

But for some reason, maybe deleting got too difficult that I kept on delaying it until I totally forgot about deleting all entries. 

Good thing, actually! Because now, when I learned about my then boyfriend's (and now husband) infidelity from 2013 to 2015, I started to question everything that happened between the two of us, if there was even the two of us. I started looking over Google photos of 2013 to 2015, what did we have? What were we like? What was I doing? Where was I? Where was he? What were we busy doing? As I looked at our photos, I saw how little good and fun memories we had. It started making sense. He was actually busy cheating on me, betraying my trust.

As I looked at the photos to see what were actually untrue, I started deleting the photos of him and me together. I so love deleting.

Now, I am still looking for what was true that happened to me. You see, I spent the past eight years of my life with him, and majority of which I learned was actually full of lies. Anyway, I started looking for what was true... and I remembered this blog! 

I am sooo happy that I forgot to delete this blog site. It's only now that I realize that this is the only true thing that happened to me in those years. But, there's one year missing, 2012. That's the year that I was able to delete.