Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Listen to your body

Listening to my body is one of the things I have learned because of my Depression.

Just a while ago, while waiting for something, anxiety started to creep into me.

I felt my head as if wanting to explode, like a mini volcano starting to boil its lava. I felt my cold hands as if starting to get frozen when the night was as hot as daylight.

I looked normal. I looked perfectly calm. But I wasn't.

Then that something that I was waiting for arrived. The explosion and the coldness started to subside.

What I am trying to say is it helps anyone who has Depression to learn listening to his/her body and respect what it says. But it should not end there. The person who owns the body must learn how to pacify and put back the body in its tranquil state. You should know what could happen when the body reacts to the mental health issues.