Friday, October 11, 2013


I'm thinking there will never be a day that people can truly understand mental health issues.

Some people can simply claim they do understand it but they can never really truly grasp the depth of the roots of its problems. Why am I saying this? Maybe I just, until now, feel so alone in this battle (if it is indeed a battle). Why do I say this? I want and need someone who you can tell how it's like sometimes to feel so dazed or so numb because of, probably, the medicines. Or that someone who truly feels how it's like to feel so down. 

You know those people like in the movie "Silver linings Playbook"? The man there, Pat, was suffering from Bipolar Disorder, a mental illness. During the process of his recovery, he met Tiffany who was recovering from Depression, also a mental illness. Together they helped each other get better until they both learn to cope with their personal mental health issues. 

 So for now, what do I do? I just probably try to get better on my own. And I mean, really on my own. So help me God. My hope's still up though -  hope that that time will come when I no longer feel alone and when I feel that at last, I'm surrounded with people who truly understand. 

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