That moment when you are reminded how some people or one particular person treated you so bad that you fell into depression? Or that one person who took advantage of your vulnerability, manipulated you to get what he wanted? Or that one person who looked at you as if you're a low form of human being?
It can be very depressing remembering how bad you were treated. It can be worse when you remember how you always treated them right and despite that you were still wronged.
How do you move forward with such reminders? How do you forgive when you can clearly remember the pain?
These reminders can pull us back farther from peace. Or they can push us forward to a road of forgiveness - a road where there would still be signs of the pains of the past but you move forward anyway. You are reminded to slow down because of the pain but still you move forward. You see signs that tell you you can go as fast 100 kph. And so you go that fast. Then, another reminder, another sign to slow down... for you are about to pay still, pay and spend your time, resources and energy so you can move forward. This you do even if you think you don't have to pay... You've suffered enough anyway, why pay more? But you still pay anyway because you want to move forward. You want to reach your destination - peace.
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