I was watching this travel documentary show of GMA featuring Kenya when I stopped what I was doing and focused my attention on the show. Then, I realized how any travel show would make me pause and marvel at the vastness and beauty of the world. I remember when I was in my teens and had the vigor and optimism to dream, I would always tell myself that I'm a traveller and that I would love to see every country of the world. Then, that dream faded away.
It took one show to remind me of my dream. I lingered on my dream and continued imagining myself traveling... With my lifetime partner - my husband (and with our children). I started picturing me and my husband going to one country every year for our wedding anniversary or whatever reason. I just want us to see the world together. Then, later on, when our children are mature enough to appreciate the beauty of the world, we will bring our children in all our travels. I want my family to be a traveling family.
I want to do this not to brag or show off, but to see and experience for ourselves how amazing Our Creator is, how small we are in the bigger scheme of things, how little our problem is compared to the vast beauty we have...
While I was thinking about this, I thought to myself, "Glad, I'm dreaming again!" To make this dream clearer, these are the countries I would like to visit with my husband:

#1 in my list is Japan. I read about this temple in Kyoto. Since then, I became intrigued and I haven't stopped dreaming about going there and see for myself what I read in the novel, "The Temple of Golden Pavilion"

#2 is Russia. It's a big country, I know. And I don't know that much about Russia. The fact that I don't know a lot about it except for the hat the Princess Sarah (cartoon shown in Philippines) makes me so interested. I feel that Russia is a country full of mysteries. I would like to feel the mystery for myself. To start with the tour there, we can go to Moscow first.

#3 is Scotland. Since, I've been watching this tv series "Reign" which is about Mary, the Queen of Scots, I think that Scotland is the best place to start the European Tour. The picture below is the Edinburgh Castle in Scotland.
I hope writing my dream is the start of making my dreams become a reality.
Just dream.
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